foot balm

How to take care of your feet

Self CareChiara ReynosaComment

Most people decide to take care of the feet as soon as the weather gets nice, the reality is that the well being of your feet goes beyond sandal season, as a matter of fact, feet should be taken care of all year. It is necessary for feet to be soft to avoid pain and discomfort, nails should be trimmed and filed back to avoid pain when wearing shoes. When you take a shower pay special attention to areas like the bottom of the feet, scrub and exfoliate extra skin when necessary, it is also very important to dry your feet properly after a shower, did you know that wetness and humidity will harbor bacteria that will create itch and discomfort. It is also important to moisturize your feet after a warm shower, the perfect time for that cream or butter to penetrate the skin and do it’s thing. Make it part of your daily routine, not only will your feet look good, you will avoid pain and discomfort when wearing shoes, they will always be ready to look presentable no matter the season.


I use neem oil as one of my ingredients for so many reasons, but I have been using this ingredient in my Foot Balm for over 15 years, it is Used medicinally, Neem Carrier Oil contains components that prevent and eliminate fungal infections. By soothing the irritation and eradicating the bacteria that causes them, Neem Carrier Oil can calm skin ailments such as Athlete's Foot and nail fungus.